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jeudi 29 mars 2007

Hãy Bảo Vệ Linh Mục Nguyễn Văn Lý: gởi thư đến chính quyền Mỹ

Hãy Bảo Vệ Linh Mục Nguyễn Văn Lý : gởi thư đến chính quyền Mỹ ...
Tác Giả: Huỳnh Quốc Bình

Vào ngày 30 tháng 3 tới đây tại VN, tức là ngày thứ năm ở HK, nhà cầm quyền CSVN sẽ đem Linh Mục Nguyễn Văn Lý ra tòa án ND Thừa Thiên Huế, để buộc tội những hành sử ôn hòa, bất bạo động của LM Nguyễn Văn Lý. Trước tình hình này, chúng tôi khẩn thiết kêu gọi quý vi hãy tiếp tay fax mẫu thư lên tiếng kêu gọi ông DS Mỹ tại VN và bà Bộ Trưởng Bộ ngoại Giao HK can thiệp, gửi người tới để chứng kiến sự gian trá và ngụy tạo của tòa án ND VC.
Chân thành cảm tạ,
Nguyệt San ngày Mới

Quý vị có thể dùng fax service dể gửi fax về cho Đại Sứ Mỹ ở VN. Sau đây là địa chỉ:

US Embassy in Ha Noi
US Consulate in Saigon:
Tel: (84-8) 822-9433
Fax: (84-8) 822-9434
Email: uscongenhcmc@state.gov

dia chi free fax


Thư mẩu:

March 28th, 2007

Dear Ambassador Michael W. Marine.

I write to seek your immediate attention to the trial of Father Nguyen Van Ly.

The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has officially announced that it would put Father Nguyen Van Ly and four other peaceful democracy activists to communist’s trial on March 30th, 2007.

Such announcement from a dictatorial regime that would violate its own Constitution and international covenants is simply a method to gauge the reaction from the international community, especially from the United States of America. If there is no reaction from freedom loving nations, this lawless trial would not be the last, and Hanoi regime would escalate its oppression on the democracy movement in Vietnam.

Therefore, I urge you to send representative of the U.S. Embassy to monitor the trial, and clearly speak to the Vietnamese government that it must abide by the international legal standards of fairness, legal representation, transparency and due process.

Thanks for your most urgent attention on human rights and democracy in Vietnam.



March 28th, 2007

Dear Ambassador Michael W. Marine.

It is extremely urgent for the United States to demand the Hanoi government to allow international observers at the trial of human rights activists.

The U.S. must also insist that these trials are blatant violations of basic human rights proclaimed by the United Nations of which Vietnam is a member.




Gửi email cho Bà Rice cut and paste:


The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
US Department of State
2201 C ST NW
Wash. DC. 20520

Dear The Honorable Secretary Rice:

By now, you are probably aware that the Vietnamese government will officially put on trial Father Nguyen Van Ly and four of his associates this Friday March 30, 2007. This is the first trial of the democracy activists since Hanoi leaders stepped up their campaign of suppression of the Democracy movement in January this year, and it is very likely that they are gauging the worlds reaction to it.

So far, it is anticipated that the trial will be proceeded under a kangaroo court as
usual. We therefore request you to urge our Embassy in Hanoi to send an official watcher to the trial, as an expression that we hold Vietnam government to a high international legal standard of fairness, transparency, with all due processes, that are expected from a member of WTO.

Looking forward to your affirmation of our administration pro democracy stand, I remain

Yours respectfully.


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